
 CPA英语     |      2022-12-11 12:30

Lesson 1   What Is Financial Reporting For?

课文内容 / Text

The objective of general purpose financial reporting (1) is to provide financial information about the reporting entity (2) that is useful to existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors (3) in making decisions relating to providing resources to the entity. Those decisions involve decisions about:
  1. (a) buying, selling or holding equity and debt instruments (4);
  2. (b) providing or settling loans (5) and other forms of credit; or
  3. (c) exercising rights to vote on (6), or otherwise influence, management’s (7) actions that affect the use of the entity’s economic resources.
  1. (a) 购买、出售或持有股权和债务工具;
  2. (b) 提供或结清贷款和其他形式的信贷;或
  3. (c) 就管理层影响主体的经济资源使用的行为行使表决权或施加影响。

The decisions described in the above paragraph depend on the returns that existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors expect, for example, dividends, principal and interest payments (8)or market price increases. Investors’, lenders’ and other creditors’ expectations about returns depend on their assessment of the amount, timing and uncertainty of (the prospects for) future net cash inflows (9) to the entity and on their assessment of management’s stewardship(10) of the entity’s economic resources. Existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors need information to help them make those assessments(11).

To make the assessments (11) described in the above paragraph, existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors need information about: (a) the economic resources of the entity, claims against the entity (12) and changes in those resources and claims; and (b) how efficiently and effectively the entity’s management and governing board (13) have discharged their responsibilities (14) to use the entity’s economic resources.
【译文】为了进行上述的评估,现有和潜在的投资者、贷款人和其他债权人需要以下信息: (a) 主体的经济资源、对主体的求偿权以及这些资源和求偿权的变化;以及 (b) 主体的管理层和治理层如何有效地履行其使用主体的经济资源的责任。

Many existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors cannot require reporting entities to provide information directly to them and must rely on general purpose financial reports for much of the financial information they need. Consequently (15), they are the primary users (16) to whom general purpose financial reports are directed. (17)

Other parties, such as regulators (18) and members of the public other than (19) investors, lenders and other creditors, may also find general purpose financial reports useful. However, those reports are not primarily directed to (17) these other groups.

重要词汇与表达 / Key Words and Expressions

  1. (1) general purpose financial reporting 通用目的财务报告(行为)
  2. (2) reporting entity 报告主体
  3. (3) existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors 现有和潜在的投资者、贷款人和其他债权人
  4. (4) equity and debt instruments 股权和债务工具
  5. (5) to settle loans 结清贷款
  6. (6) to exercise rights to vote on… 对…行使表决权
  7. (7) management 管理层
  8. (8) dividends, principal and interest payments 股息、本金和利息支付
  9. (9) future net cash inflow 未来净现金流入
  10. (10) stewardship 管理,看管
  11. (11) to make an assessment 作评估
  12. (12) claim against the entity 对主体的求偿权/债权
  13. (13) governing board 治理层
  14. (14) to discharge one’s responsibilities 履行责任
  15. (15) consequently 因此
  16. (16) primary users 主要使用者
  17. (17) to be directed to 针对…
  18. (18) regulator 监管机构
  19. (19) other than 除了….之外
